Wednesday 22 June 2011

Design is about Doing - Visual Research/Stimulous

Using OPPOSITES as the basis for the project I have decided to use POSITIVE/NEGATIVE which I have developed onto OPTIMISM/PESIMISM

I have been researching different portrayal and different quotations for this subject and below are a few images which have caught my attention and a good way to start the project

I like the simplicity of this idea - I want to try and keep my work quite simple and easy to uderstand but at the same time I would like to get the viewer to engage in the piece and make them think slightly out of the box - something which is new for me. 

I like this example of using a simple combination of text and image

A very influential quote by Churchill which caught my eye. I could maybe use a quote like this with a different image on a series of 3 posters however instead of using someone else's quote I want to try and make my own ones which I can relate to. 

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